Diary of a 20 Something Year Old
This is my own personal mindfuck

By Stephenchen
It's funny how things hit you. It's kind of like getting slapped across the face. I don't miss you much. And I see your picture all the time, because I tell myself that it's what I need. I need to accept the fact that you're gone, not forget you. I choose this. I am the one who decided. But sometimes, every once in a great while, I'll get caught off guard and feel like I just jumped into cold water. And for a second, everything I felt before comes back, before I let it go. And that's exactly what I need to do. Is let the whole thing go.

I'm moving to Ohio for the summer. I'm taking it as a sabbatical from my life. I did it my sophomore year, so it's only fitting I do it again my senior year. Hopefully I can figure my life out. Get my shit straight once and for all before this last year at State. That's the hope at least.

Other than that? I'm just doing me. School's almost done with. I have a job for the summer. I'm gonna pay off my cards, and then I'm gonna come back to school and do this shit up.

I miss you Capton, I need some time with my bf.

1 comment so far.

  1. angela. April 23, 2008 at 9:20 AM
    but there's only a few short weeks until we're roadtripping and eating delicious sushi and partying like a 7 year old's birthday party! no, but really. lurve you.

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